Being a Proactive Problem Solver:
Don't wait for problems - prevent them from happening.
PPS.1 Identifying potential obstacles:Students are able to identify potential obstacles to reaching personal goals. |
Planning A Trip
Coming up with a good plan to achieve a goal is similar to planning for a trip - you have to think through where you're going, the possible obstacles to getting there, and how to overcome those obstacles so you don't get stuck.
(linked to Learning from Failure) |
PPS.2 Forward Mapping:Students are able to plan ahead and develop strategies to overcome potential obstacles to reaching personal goals. |
Intro to Forward Mapping
It is important to set up goals, but also to create a concrete plan to achieve them. A strategy called "Forward Mapping" can help us achieve those goals effectively.
Forward Mapping
This is a quick set-up for students to work on their own Forward Maps (continued from Intro to Forward Mapping).
PPS.3 Seeking big-picture context:Students are able to determine larger context of a particular problem or situation to help select better strategies for solving the problem. |
"Zooming Out" and "Big Picture" Context
Learning how to "zoom out" and see the big picture can help us figure out what the real issue is, so that we solve the right problem.
Seeking Big Picture Context
This presentation teaches us the concepts of using the "5 Whys" and looking for "Bright Spots" to help us get to the root of a problem.
AssessmentsVarious sample assessments for Being a Proactive Problem Solver (some more long-term than others) |
Question 0
Answer to question 0
Copyright © 2015 Greg Callaham